Agricultural Applications.
Eco-friendly solutions for water saving substrates.
Agricultural Applications
"Twice the Green, Half the Water" - The slogan for the substates that one our partners offer as a growing media.
As the slogan says, we make plants twice as green, with half the water. This is very important to us as water saving is a major issue in our current climate.
Having an inert growing media greatly improves crop quality & control. Being able to grow within media using hydroponic techniques has proven to be the way forward for future cultivation.
For more information about our green applications visit Resins Agro’s website.
Which solution is right for me?
As shown in the image reel above, we offer a large selection of green solutions.
Our agro hardfoams are created to achieve a perfect water/air ratio in the substrate.
Resins Agro is our “green” sister company within the Aquaresins Group. They develop the substrates and market our green goods worldwide. All of our partners that offer substrates do so through Resins Agro.
Almost any plants that are cultivated in greenhouses across the globe will benefit from the use of our substrates. By using our foam, along with a well balanced diet of nutrients, your plants will thrive more than ever before.
If you’re still unsure about which solution is right for you, please contact us through the form below.
Contact Us
Get in Touch
- Nijverheidsweg 17a
- 6651KS, Druten
- The Netherlands
- +31 (0) 487 593 778
- info@aquaresinstechnologies.com