Industrial Products.
Our most popular industrial grade hardfoams are RG22, RG30 and RG50. Mineshafts, petrochemical tanks, collapsed quay walls, pipelines and sunken floors can all be filled, raised and secured using these products.
Learn more about our
Industrial Grade Foams
Besides being extremely lightweight, our foam is also extremely strong.
We’ve developed stand alone units that can be custom built into a truck or build pallet sized units for individual transport to difficult locations. Due to this flexibility we can apply the foam with the least interruption to the location.
Our units are also capable of foaming different densities, ranging from RG22-RG50. If needs be we can also produce foams +/- these densities.
If you’d like to see some detailed examples of how we go about our work, the button below links to the projects and case studies page of Resins Industry.

Our most commonly used industrial hardfoam worldwide.
Mostly used for filling:
- Redundant Pipelines
- Old Tanks
- Smaller Void Filling Applications

Our medium density hardfoam; stronger than RG22, but more affordable than RG50.
Its main uses are:
- Quay Walls
- Soil Washouts
- Void filling near the surface
- Void filling that requires more structural support than RG22 can provide

Our strongest, most dense hardfoam.
Some uses include:
- Floor lifting applications
- Void filling that requires high structural strength because of traffic or construction above
More info about our
Industrial Hardfoams
All of Aquaresins’ industrial applications in The Netherlands are performed by Resins Industry.
Outside of the country, we’ve got many international partners. Before becoming a partner they all receive training and instructions on the safe use of our foams and equipment.
Even if you live outside of The Netherlands, please feel free to contact us! We’ll be happy to help with any queries you may have, and if needs be we can put you in touch with a dealer in your local area.
For a list of some of our partners check out our partner page.
Click on the links below for more detailed information about our products.
Contact Us
Get in Touch
- Nijverheidsweg 17a
- 6651KS, Druten
- The Netherlands
- +31 (0) 487 593 778
- info@aquaresinstechnologies.com