Aquaresins Products - Agricultural Applications

Agricultural Products.

Agriculture, Hydroculture, Hydroponics and many more options are available via Agro Resins.

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The Versatility of our Foams

Our agricultural hardfoam media.

For almost any type of growing, we offer a high-grade growing media. If you want to ensure perfect watering regimes with no interference to nutrients. Our neutralised and inert Fytocell offers the answer for hydroponic systems that need to keep the water at the roots of the plants, where it’s needed most.

Alternatively, if you need water saving media for a golf course; mixing Fytofoam through the soil offers the perfect water buffer for the root system and will give you major water savings!  We have run tests where up to 50%+ in water saving has been reported.

Fytocell flakes


Foam growing media geared towards the professional market.

It can also be used in hydroponic systems, golf courses and landscaping.

Whether Fytocell is being used exclusively, or as a mix of 30% flakes and 70% sweet sand; Fytocell provides the perfect media for vegetation to grow in.

Research & Development for Agricultural Hardfoam Media


Our agricultural hardfoam media.

We specifically designed this product to create a lightweight soil mixture to improve roof and vertical garden systems.

By maintaining the right amount of air, these flakes provide a fabulous water household whilst also preventing the plants from drowning. This way you can create a more intense garden, with a lower weight per ㎡.


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