- Enveriline
New regulations for insulating homes
Regulations are changing on the responsibility for applying insulating materials. The Enveriline Team has spent the last year on taking steps towards these advances. In this article you can find out more about these rules and what we do.
- January 22, 2021
- 1 minutes read-time
Course & SKG-IKOB
Our existing and new Enveriline dealers and their employees receive a course and schooling.
This course entails at least the following:
- Processing the raw materials
- Processing temperatures & pressure settings
- The correct working method
In The Netherlands, the SKG-IKOB will enforce stronger controls on the correct process of applying the insulation materials. (For all insulation-materials)
They’ll also check if the insulators have got their Enveriline insulation card on them. To validate their competence. And prove compliance with the new regulations for insulating homes.
The Enveriline course is completely FREE OF CHARGE!
The courses and instructions of Enverifoam have been given for free and a lot of dealers/insulators have already taken us up on the offer. Many have successfully finished the course and have received their EnveriLine Insulation Card.
By following the button below, you’ll find the article about our first certificate holders. Handed out in spring 2020.
For Insulation companies
If you wish to take us up on the course-offer;
What are the costs for the exam?
It takes about 4 hours of theory and 1 to 2 hours of practical training, on a location of your choice. The course and exams are completely free of charge. After completion of the course they’ll be completely up to scratch. After which, you will comply with the new regulations for insulating homes.
A day full of teambuilding, more effective work methods, less stress during interruption and more longevity on the machines.
Most of all, you will be able to guarantee your quality even better. A value, demanded by all clients.
For questions or planning of the course, contact our Technical Advisors of Enveriline.
+31 (0) 487 – 593 778
Read more
- Resins Agro
Be Durable!
Read moreFrom December 12th till the 18th, Resins Agro will be shown on Dutch television. In the program: "Doe Maar Duurzaam", or Be Durable, in English.
- Resins Agro
Durability and Water savings with Resins Agro
Read moreAs mentioned in our previous article. Resins Agro has been featured in the Dutch TV show; "Doe Maar Duurzaam". About the durability and water savings that our substrates offer.
Dutch Heart Foundation 2022
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