Who You Gonna Call? - Introducing our New Vans

    In addition to our 5 trucks we have now upgraded the fleet with three new vans. The vans are already proving themselves a valuable tool to the team here at Benefil!

    • May 15, 2024
    • 2 minutes read-time
    New Vans

    The Latest Addition

    We have recently added three new vans to the Benefil family. Each van has the capacity to carry a smaller version of the foaming system we currently have installed in our trucks.

    This small but significant feature means our team are able to access a greater variety of locations. No valley is too deep, no mountain too high – well within reason.

    With the new vans we’ll be much better equipped to handle the seasonal obstacles and more unique locations that might previously have been difficult for our trucks.

    Putting Our Best Foot Forward

    As well as being a faster alternative than our trucks, the vans are also more environmentally friendly!

    At Benefil we remain committed to being more environmentally conscious, finding cleaner and more efficient methods of delivering our products. With a smaller CO2 footprint the new vans are an important contribution towards this effort!

    New Vans

    Including this exciting addition the total vehicles in our fleet has increased to 5 trucks, a small off-road vehicle and 3 vans. With these new vans we can look forward to a more efficient form of transport in the future.

    If you would also like to learn more about the potential of our trucks you can click on the button below.

    The fleet is complete